Full, sensuous, beautiful lips are essential feel-good factors. They make us look younger and more vibrant and make us feel more confident and attractive.
Thin lips, wrinkles, fine lines, a lack of definition in the cupids bow… all of these things can make us feel, and even look, miserable.
Make-up doesn’t help much; lipstick should be used to enhance what we have, not cover up what we don’t. Lipstick applied to cover wrinkles is prone to ‘bleeding’ – seeping into the unwanted fine lines and making them look even worse!
The most obvious cause of thinning of the lips is the ageing process. Others include:
We all lose lip definition and plumpness as we get older – and some of us simply don’t have the lips we want regardless of age.
The good news is you don’t have to settle for what you’ve got. Whatever your age, gender or reasons, hyaluronic dermal fillers are a simple and cost-effective way to enhance your natural beauty. Speak to our specialist team today to see how we can help.